Monday, September 30, 2019

Drama and Handsome Captain Essay

Coursework Essay: Examine at least THREE dramatic devices used by any TWO playwrights studied in the course and discuss their effectiveness in terms of audience response and/or plot development. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary (n. pag. ), drama can be defined as, â€Å"a composition in verse or prose intended to portray life or character or to tell a story usually involving conflicts and emotions through action and dialogue and typically designed for theatrical performance. † In the two plays that I have selected, drama is definitely a depiction of life. The Ritual by Zeno Obi Constance and Your Handsome Captain by Simone Schwarz-Bart are two of the most phenomenal Caribbean performances that have been composed. They both incorporate evidence of Caribbean background and hold a certain level of credibility for situations that occur in present day society. While perusing these plays, I recognized that they both shared a number of commonalities. Some of the most evident similarities included the dramatic techniques; language, stage directions and recurring imagery. In the play, The Ritual, Constance utilizes language to make a connection with the Caribbean readers and allow them to fully comprehend the message that he is attempting to address, in their own society. It is the claim that Constance remains true to the old speech values of the Caribbean which is in relation to the last bastion of linguistic innovation known as the Calypso. Trinidad English Creole is utilized by the playwright to relate to the themes of anguish and struggle which creates an emotional unity between the audience and the actors. A quote that stood out throughout the play as a form of â€Å"branding† or labeling was, â€Å"all them little women in them school is whore† (Constance, 8). This was lamented by Omega’s mother who was very small-minded and was partially responsible for Omega’s downfall. The language employed by Constance allowed not only Caribbean dwellers to relate to the situations mentioned but also attracted persons from other regions of the world. This production was ranked one of the most performed plays in the forty year history of the Secondary School Drama Festival. Audiences from New York, Europe and the Caribbean exclaim, â€Å"There is a real need for this type of theatre†¦. I saw myself in all the characters- Great theme, great message, innovative and passionate. It made me think and feel. Bravo! † (New perspectives Theatre Company, n. pag. ). Constance believes that the language used to compose ‘The Ritual’ was symbolic as it related to â€Å"black† individuals in schools that were predominantly filled with white students during the 1970’s. He stated that it was a play that â€Å"forced the puritans to look at the pervasiveness of Omega’s situation which was a metaphor for all kinds of dysfunctional parenting and home-making† (Noel, 51). Critics believe that Constance use of language to communicate an abrasive reality and to stimulate rather than reveal on another level, the issues occurring covertly then, ‘The Ritual’ must be perceived as a triumph. Hence, language plays a pivotal role to the success of this production. Similarly, in the play, Your Handsome Captain, Schwarz-Bart utilizes the dramatic device known as language to relate her message in relation to her themes of identity, masculinity, separation and isolation, and labour and inequality. According to the New York Times (n.pag. ), the play, â€Å"relies primarily on its incantatory language and repetitious imagery to create a dream-like portrait of a couple struggling to maintain a long-distance relationship. † As we are well aware of, the script was originally written in French since the playwright is a native of Guadeloupe, however, it was later translated to English by Jessica Harris and Catherine Temerson. In â€Å"Ton Beau Capitaine†, the playwright attempts to illustrate the constrictions of poverty and the measures one must endure for love. Most of the dialogues that occur in the piece are in the form of Standard English. Traditional Haitian dances are choreographed which serves a dramatic function since they express the different moments of an individual drama rather than a collective state of mind. This is believed to be regarded as an additional language since the music and dance are expressive measures taken up by the actors to reveal their emotions. We observe that Wilnor is a very loving and faithful character who is willing to sacrifice in order to provide for his wife. Evidence of this is his migration from Haiti to Guadeloupe, in search of a job to better his state of living for himself and his wife who remained in Haiti. Language is not heavily concentrated upon in this piece, however, the dances, music and repetition of words and phrases like, â€Å"Shriveled-up†, â€Å"Wilnor, how are you? † and â€Å"Handsome Captain†. This illustrated that unlike Constance, Schwarz- Bart explored other mechanics involved with language to show Wilnor’s plight and the importance of the audio-cassette.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Organizational Design Behavior

If the organizational structure is meant to reflect it's situation, the Limora Hospital and the Community Health Centre's (LCHC) structures do not do this. The current structure does not reflect the complexity, dynamics, or the environment. There appears to be little consideration given to parameters of design. Organizational design is used to maneuver a series of criterion that determine the division of labor and coordination. The Limora Hospital and the LCHC have weaknesses in their design concerning the decision making system, the lateral connections between the superstructure, the format of the subunits and the individual job positions. These are integral parts of the structure and seem to be a weakness at both facilities. I would describe the structure of the LCHC as almost non-existent. Although the case study doesn't provide a lot of information about the actual parts of the for Limora Hospital or the LCHC, it does appear to be somewhat better at the Hospital then at the LCHC. As an initial step, it would help to combine some areas of the two facilities and better utilize its technostructure, support staff and operating core. The strategic apex is weak with no consistent, committed leadership or administration. There is confusion about the Bishop's power of authority. He appears to have given his power away, yet some employees indicate otherwise. In fact, there doesn't appear to be any real management to apply managerial leadership and direction. This kind of confusion and conflict demoralizes the apex and the middle line entirely. A common vision, mission, and active interest in the future must be demonstrated by the Executives if they are to flow down into the core of the organization. This is lacking and is sorely felt by Dr. Macdonald who cannot pass down anything more than he is capable of, or more, than he is receiving from his superiors. There is a small technostructure in high demand, a large support staff, and an operating core that is clearly not well managed. Most evident is the lack of linkages between management and the operating core. Although not as evident are the weak linkages between the core and the supporting staff. A limited horizontal decentralization might work where the strategic apex shares some power with the technostruture that standardizes everyone's work and some of these linkages. A well organized management team and employee links to them are necessary. A strong theoretical point is made in The Classical School of organizational theory by Henry Fayol, a French industrialist. He, and other theorists like Urwick, Gulick, Mooney and Reiley, emphasized the universality of the management function in all kinds of different organizations. Fayol's theory worked from the board of directors and chief executives down through the organization. He stressed the importance of planning, organizing, coordinating and controlling the administration of an organization from the top down. The weakness in Limora Hospital and the LCHC can be found in the management of the Apex and he middle line, and the operating core. No serious attention has been given to these areas so they can achieve the leadership and administrative control they need. The parts of the organization do not support the coordinating mechanisms required, and neglect to meet the needs of either facility. They should reflect the configuration for a professional organization that relies on the trained professionals who have a high level of control over their work. It is safe to assume that the Doctors and nurses have all been trained and have standardized their professional skills before working at the either facility. Coordination is achieved by the virtue of doctors and nurses having learned what to expect from one another. So they do have this basic mechanism of coordination. What is lacking, is the necessary organizational glue to hold it together. Perhaps the standardization of norms as another coordinating mechanism. The nurses don't seem to be able to coordinate their activities based on their common goal of caring for the sick and standardizing norms would be helpful. There has been an attempt at coordination by Dr. Macdonald, but the organization has been without strong consistent control for too long. Although there doesn't appear to be a middle line, Dr. Macdonald has been left to promote coordination and proper design on his own. His leadership attempt is valiant but he needs the help of qualified middle line managers. The missing parameters of design are Behaviour formalization, Training, and Unit grouping. Behaviour formalization would provide work processes and job descriptions to reduce confusion about what work people should be doing and how they should be doing it. On the surface, one may question whether a group of professionals need stringent rules and regulations.Although these professionals know the essence of their roles, and have a lot of control over what they do, they lack a framework within which to work and make decisions. Behaviour formalization could outline the framework within which they can take control and, identify the boundary where they need the assistance and cooperation of others. Also very important, is to identify the communication linkages to others inside and outside this framework. This would eliminate much confusion, instill confidence into the operating core, and bring cooperation among managers and workers. It seems to me that when you are dealing with the life, death, and the health of others, the last thing you want is dissension and confusion among those who are caring for you. Aside from the professional skills applied by the doctors and nurses, the simplest procedures in administration of core workers could be a disastrous for the patient. As an example, how is a specific report completed, when is it completed, who are the critical receivers of the report, when must they receive it, and what must be included in it, all involve linkages and cooperation among professionals, staff and management. If these are broken in some way or done incorrectly, outside of the prescribed framework, they can impact a life. Chester Bernard's book, The Functions of Executives, from the human relations school of thought, emphasized the need for clarity and cooperation among managers and workers to further the interests of everyone. Bernard said that organizations by their very nature are cooperative systems and cannot survive otherwise. He listed three forces to achieve this cooperation; executive leadership, subordinate acceptance of organizational goals, and the power of informal work groups. Clearly in a hospital there is room for strict rules and processes outlined by the leaders, but because there are also large areas of independent decision making, you must have a cooperation and a balance of both. Training, another parameter of design, can teach the professionals what the standards, processes, and procedures are, and clearly define the level of performance for each. The Limora Hospital must had some training on the hospitals procedures but when the nurses came over to work at the LCHC, they complained that they were not oriented to these properly. Training at LCHC is lacking in this area. The essence of the work done by the professionals is no different in either the Limora Hospital or the LCHC. What is different is the purpose for each facility and the level of output. One is a hospital that cares for the people who are already ill, and the LCHC is a community program that focuses on preventative health to try to keep people from ending up in the hospital. The hospital doctors and nurses would likely be prescriptive in their care for very ill patients over a shorter period. The LCHC would also prescribe but would likely be more descriptive in their care over longer periods of time in the community. Teaching these fundamentally different objectives to everyone, and what work is wrapped around them, would facilitate a clear direction for exactly what the jobs are in each facility. The Scientific Management theory advocates a systematic approach to job design, performance, and training. Not necessarily all of the theory components are applicable the systematic approach to training does apply to a health organization. There is a systematic way of applying medical tests to ensure there are no mistakes. Speed and efficiency are critical. There may be a departure from this theory as it relates to division of work and task specialization, but the scientific selection of training remains useful to our health care situation. Adam Winslow Taylor and Henry Gantt emphasized the need for systematic training of workers. Taylor particularly advocated that the role of management was to know their employees and to train them to do well. If this was done, it would produce maximum efficiency. Finally, both the LCHC and the hospital are dependent on the same resources. They both need analysts such as accounting and personnel, they both use the same nurses and doctors in their operating core, and both need the use of land rovers in their work. Conflicts have surfaced because the organizational structure does not leverage these like needs well. For example: Clear and accurate financial accounting for both areas They both need highly qualified doctors and nurses Their primary and supporting staff need similar training They are dependent on each other but the structure does not promote interdependency They both require processes and procedures to perform their jobs well Unit grouping would be the design parameter most required to help facilitate the mutual needs of each unit. Grouping these under the same supervision would encourage cooperation and help to promote a more efficient and cooperative working environment. Once the needs of each area are clear, you need to establish liaison positions, or roles that can coordinate the work of two units. These liaison positions are missing in the hospital and LCHC structure. Task forces are also missing. Task forces can plan meetings, bring the members of each unit together, and integrate mangers to coordinate what is important to the units. These initiatives would eliminate competition for the best nurses and doctors, and provide a fair an accurate financial accounting for both facilities. It is difficult to tell how much impact the support staff for either the Limora hospital, or the LCHC have on the operating core and the quality of care. I'm sure the support staff could also be optimized by unit groupings. Unlike the scientific management theory that did not provide a theory of general organizational design, the classical school of organizational theory did. Henry Fayol, from this theory, suggested that all jobs should be regrouped on some common basis to achieve coordination or unity of direction. Henry Fayol also saw the importance of working from the board of directors down into the organization, different from the scientific management school of thought which worked from the bottom up. Both are useful for our purposes. This regrouping theory and focus on the top levels of the organization are very applicable to the Limora Hospital and the LCHC. There are also some situational factors such as age, size, technical systems, power, and environment that need consideration. Understanding the impact of situational factors can help identify the weaknesses in the structure and how to improve them. For example, the hospital and the LCHC are only 10 years old and there are only 280 beds. This means they are relatively young and small and that their behaviours aren't yet formalized. The fact is there is a lack of organizational maturity. As the organization ages and grows in size, the behaviours will become formalized and the more homogeneous. Because the environment in a hospital is complex and decisions cannot be made by one person, one might decentralize the structure and push the decision making down. However, with the problems at the Limora Hospital and the LCHC, it would be wise to centralize some of its structure temporarily. Taking this action in the right areas would eliminate the current hostile environment. As the organization matures, selective vertical and horizontal decentralization can be applied where the power over different decisions is spread over different parts of the organization more readily. Finally we have the operating core, the key part of the organization that is composed of professionals. Although the basic coordinating mechanism of standardization of skills exists, standardization of processes, and outputs are weak. These together with the lack of leadership, have politicized the organization and the people are in conflict. Consequently, the structure of Limora Hospital and LCHC has become a professional bureaucracy, not uncommon in Hospitals. A view of Professionals is that they are attached to the organization, but still have extensive autonomy and freedom. This gives them the best of both worlds. From an organizational perspective, however, this environment is very difficult to control and measure. The hospital and the LCHC need to discover then prescribe, when and how the attachment to the organization is essential, and when autonomy is necessary. As stated earlier, as the organization matures, professionals will perfect their own skills and repeat what works for the overall success of their jobs. For right now, framework and guidance are required. Guidance, communication and leadership would maximize the professional's output, efficiency and morale. Another item that may be an issue for the hospital and the LCHC is professional incompetence in its core operations. Although incompetence is not indicated in the case study, it may be an undiscovered issue because it is difficult to identify it in a professional organization that has lots of autonomy. Hence one measure of control is to ensure you hire competent professionals, and you continue to upgrade and train them. The standardization of skills and norms will help, but does not address incompetence. In summary, the weakness in the organizational structure of the Limora Hospital and the LCHC are challenging, but fixable. It is important to step back and look at what parameters of control or freedom a health care organization requires. It seems a portion of a hospital operations needs a very stringent scientific approach to its organization, yet another portion demands that the professional skilled people to have the authority and power to assert their knowledge independently. Theoretically, I would apply Max Weber's Bureaucracy theory as an approach. This structure would ensure that there are clear lines of power, orderly procedures and rules that would remove any randomness and unpredictability from the hospital system. The interactions are based on standards Vs the personal feelings of peers and managers. It would add fairness and equity of evaluation. It is a rational and formal-structural response to organizational problems. The immaturity must be aided by making some structural changes. The superstructure appears to need the least amount of work. There is an existing Apex (which needs some focus), a middle line (which needs to grow), a small technostructure (which should be combined for both facilities to use), and an ill managed operating core. I hesitate to say too much about the support staff. Unfortunately, the case does not provide enough information about this unit for comment.. I must assume there is a support staff functioning at the hospital since they could not possibly continue without the support of a support staff. Most of the organizational changes need to be done in the essential design parameters of the subunits. Standardization of skills has already been achieved and the remaining would include: Behaviour formalization to help standardize work processes and procedures Training to teach the standards and procedures and achieve standardization Unit groupings to group jobs under one supervision for maximum efficiency and cooperation The structural changes will also facilitate more effective communications, enhance the ability of the leaders to lead, and increase intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The complexities of organizational structure and organizational behaviour are huge. Because of these complexities, generally one theory, one behavioural model, or one method of structure does not always meet all the needs of the organization. There is no doubt, however, that guiding principles and basic fundamental models work and would work for Limora Hospital and the LCHC. What are the effects on motivation, leadership and communication because of the weaknesses identified in your answer to Question #1 at the Limora Communication Health Centre? The weakness in the organizational structure at LCHC hampers leadership, communication, and motivation. In reverse, the lack of leadership, communication and motivation have impacted the organizational structure. The definition of each of these explains the importance of their interrelationship to one another. Leadership is based on the ability to influence others to achieve organizational goals. Formal leaders hold a high rank in the hierarchy and informal leaders are recognized for outstanding skills and abilities. Managing is sometimes mistaken for leadership. The difference is that a manager brings order to the employees, and a leader makes useful changes in the organization. Communication is the process of two or more people exchanging information. The sender is the initiator of the message and the receiver is the one that the message is direct to. Effective communication is achieved when the message from the sender is received as it was intended. Motivation can be understood as a force within us that is triggered by various needs. This force then drives us to satisfy an unsatisfied need. There are basically two different categories of motivation. One is intrinsic and the other extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation comes from inside ourselves and extrinsic from outside ourselves. All three of these are lacking at the LCHC. Some of them are highly impacted by the weaknesses in the organizational structure, and some are lacking in the individuals' as skills. Motivation, leadership and communication are dependent on one another and cannot function very well in an organization on their own. Leadership generally deals with the complexities of humans and human behaviour. There are many approaches to leadership, each with theories and models. The Traits theories would look at leaders and explore their traits or characteristics. Behavioural leadership theories centre around the behaviours demonstrated by effective leaders. Lastly, the contingency approach puts forward the notion that â€Å"it depends† on both behaviour and traits. Situations can effect what traits and behviours are most useful.. The most suitable leadership approach for the LCHC would be the contingency approach since it offers ways to look at behaviour and traits. It also lends itself to approaches for leading tasks and people. There are task issues and relationship issues at LCHC that need leadership. Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard's situation leadership model offers different behaviours suited to either a task situation or a relationship situation. Some of the leadership weakness at LCHC are: The lines of authority for the division of labor between the apex and the middle line are not clear. This makes leadership difficult. The Bishop is not motivated to take on this leadership, or he does not have the leadership expertise to lead. It is the Bishop that should set forth the proper leadership characteristics, and develop the triggers that will motivate his organization. There seems to be no communication from him about the mission, strategy, or goals of either facility. If this is missing at the top, it cascades down throughout the organization very quickly. It is evident that the professionals in the operating core are confused, and don't have clear goals to follow. These goals would help pull all of them in the same direction. The middle line, where Dr. Macdonald is managing, needs qualified managers. When there are no qualified managers, and management systems are in chaos, leadership is compromised for the strongest of leaders. The above points in the structural weaknesses involve task and volatile relationships issues. The application of the Hersey Blanchard model of leadership will help both the task and relationship concerns. . Regarding communications, the LCHC does not adequately provide the network for good communications among all its employees. Unit groupings are weak and management does not seem to have a lot of integrity in their communications. Its important to have a place that can determine what communications vehicle should be used to gain the highest impact for any given message. Rich communication demands face to face interaction, next is the telephone, and the poorest is via memo or letter. There are no liaison positions in place at the LCHC. These positions could determine communication vehicles, disseminate information and improve upward, downward and horizontal communications. A very large part of good communications is also about listening and knowing how to communicate. Communication involves giving and receiving feedback. These skills are generally part of a good training program. The LCHC does not have a good training program in place that could help them increase harmony, efficiency and mutual understanding. When good communications are in place, feedback is at an optimum, therefore, managers and employees could actively participate in formal and informal evaluations processes. If the managers and employees are involved in the evaluation process, they are most apt to be fair and equitable in their assessment of each other. The employees at LCHC are not motivated. The lack of motivation is a direct result of the lack of leadership and effective communications. It can also be linked to the organization of the subunits. Grouping different jobs under common supervision can pull them together to achieve similar goals thus triggering motivation.. Employees also need, and are more likely driven by intrinsic motivators. These can come from reaching personal career goals, making enough money to buy a new house, or simply feeling good when a patient gets well as a direct result of their care. Putting a Human Resources management in place could provide rewards programs in the form of money, recognition, and promotion. These are all triggers for employees to set themselves goals to reach these rewards. Locke's goal setting theory says setting clear, challenging, realistic and acceptable goals raises performance. Goals invoke motivations since our thoughts and actions are directed by our goals. It is much easier for the LCHC employees to set their personal work related goals if they have been given short term departmental goals or milestones and long term organizational goals. Each department would work in a cooperative setting to reach these goals. When employees don't see or feel a sense of purpose, there is often conflict, competition, and behaviour is based on the fear of not knowing where they are headed. Consequently, this leads to low morale and demotivated employees. The LCHC should consistently communicate the rewards and results of effort and hard work. This will encourage employees to expect a reward for their work. Vroom's expectancy theory supports this idea. He says that if you put effort in, you will get a positive outcome. Individuals will look at a given situation in this way†¦.increased effort will lead to good performance, good performance will lead to certain outcomes, and then†¦ are the outcomes worthwhile. If they are, the effort will be put forth. In summary, leadership, communication, and motivation are a must for an organization's success. If the structure is aligned to support all three, there is increased productivity, high level of efficiency and high morale among the employees.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

New Zealand dollar

Prime TV launched 1999:Alcohol purchase age for off-licenses reduced from 20 to 18 years of age 2001 :lintiest accrual is removed from student loans while studying. Students who accrued Interest prior to 2001 are still required to pay. 2002:30 June: The population of Canterbury reaches half a million. 7 July: 2002 general election, Labor-led government returned for a second term. 003:Population of New Zealand exceeds 4 million. 2004:Foreshore and Seabed Act passed. Call union Act passed MÂ ¤ROR Party formed. Maori TV begins broadcasting 2006:Labor enacts its election promise to remove interest on loans to students living In New Zealand. Five cent coins are dropped from circulation and existing 10 cent, 20 cent and 50 cent coins are replaced with smaller coins. The government announces a NAZIS 1. 5 billion surplus, the largest In the country's history and second only to Denmark in the Western World.South Island population reaches 1 million 2007:2 May: Fairview is launched, providing free-to-air digital television. July. Savvier retirement savings scheme introduced. 18 December:Cacciatore Finance Act enacted. 2008:11 January: mountaineer Sir Edmund Hillary dies. 2009:28 April: First confirmed New Zealand case in the 2009 swine flu outbreak. 2010:4 September: A magnitude 7. 1 earthquake strikes the Canterbury Region causing widespread damage to Christopher and surrounding areas. 2011 :22 February: A magnitude 6. 3 earthquake strikes Christopher causing widespread damage and 184 deaths. 3 October: All Blacks win Rugby World Cup against France, 8-7 in Eden Park, New Zealand. Holiday park guest night figures show pronounced events in March and April 2013. March figures were boosted by great weather and an early Easter, while April figures were adversely affected by the timing of holiday parks shows little movements in recent months. This may change when data for future months is added to the series. The weather was generally warm, dry, and sunny in March, but quite wet in April. Also, while the school holidays fell entirely in April in 2012, this year they fell partly in May.Although there was a drop in domestic guest nights, there was an increase in visitor arrivals and international guest nights. There were 2. 28 million visitor arrivals to New Zealand in the May 2013 year. This is up less than 1 percent from the May 2012 year, but that year was boosted by visitor arrivals for the Rugby World Cup. The increase in net migration over the last five months was mainly due to fewer New Zealand citizen departures to Australia. Immigration from and to NZ has changed dramatically over the years and this may be one of the major factors leading to the amount of people staying at hotels or holiday parks.More people will be coming into the country from the rugby world cup and also people not going anywhere from NZ from the earthquakes in NZ. /11 – The September 11 attacks were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks launched by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda upon the United States in New York City and the Washington, D. C. Area on Tuesday, September 11, 2001 In the year ended May 2013, there were 2. 628 million visitors, up less than 1 percent from the previous year. This year's increase was despite visitor numbers in the May 2012 year being boosted by the Rugby World Cup.New Zealand residents departed on 182,400 overseas trips in May 2013. This was up 2 percent from May 2012, and was also a record for a May month. In the May 2013 year, New Zealand residents departed on 2. 163 million overseas trips, up 2 percent from the previous year. The biggest increase was in trips to the United States (up 15,200), helped by a more favorable currency exchange rate. New Zealand had a seasonally adjusted net gain (more arrivals than departures) of 1,700 migrants in May 2013. This is the highest net gain since January 2010 (1 ,800).The increased net gain of migrants over the past five months was mainly due to fewer New Zealand citizens departing to Australia. There was also an increase in arrivals during this period. The seasonally adjusted net loss f 1,900 migrants to Australia in May 2013 was the smallest net loss since July 2010 (1 ,600). The latest net loss to Australia was well down on the recent high of 3,600 recorded in September 2011. In the May 2013 year, New Zealand had a net gain of 6,200 migrants. This compares with a net loss of 3,700 in the May 2012 year. Auckland, Canterbury, and Togo were the only regions that had net gains of international migrants.The Canterbury region's net gain of 2,600 migrants in the May 2013 year compared with a net loss of 2,500 in the May 2012 year, following the Christopher earthquake in February 2011. Temperature Since instrumental measurements began in the late 19th century, New Sealant's average air temperatures have fluctuated substantially year to year, and a number of studies indicate that New Sealant's average temperature has increased. A significant upwa rd trend in national average air temperature was detected of 0. 11 co per decade (for the period from 1896 to 1994) with a 95% confidence interval Ð’Â ± 0. ICC. This is roughly twice the trend reported for global data, which may be due to the relative absence of sulfate aerosols in the South Pacific. The Royal Society of New Sealant's Lear upward linear trend in the country-wide average air temperature of 0. Celsius. Financial crisis -Economic growth, which had slowed in 1997 and 1998 due to the negative effects of the Asian financial crisis and two successive years of drought, rebounded in 1999. A low New Zealand dollar, favorable weather, and high commodity prices boosted exports, and the economy is estimated to have grown by 2. 5% in 2000.Growth resumed at a higher level from 2001 onwards due primarily to the lower value of the New Zealand dollar, which made exports more competitive. The return of substantial economic growth led the unemployment rate to drop from . 8% in 1999 to 3. 4% in late 2005, the lowest rate in nearly 20 years. Although New Zealand enjoyed low unemployment rates in the years immediately prior to the financial crisis beginning in 2007, subsequent unemployment rose. New Sealant's large current account deficit, which stood at more than 6. 5% of GAP in 2000, has been a constant source of concern for New Zealand policymakers and hit 9% as of March 2006.The rebound in the export sector is expected to help narrow the deficit to lower levels, especially due to decreases in the exchange rate of the New Zealand dollar during 2008. Between 1985 and 2012, New Sealant's unemployment rate averaged 6. 29%. After the stock market crash of 1989, unemployment began to rise reaching an all-time high of 1 1. 20% in September 1991. By 2007, it had dropped again and the rate stood at 3. 5% (December 2007), its lowest level since the current method of surveying began in 1986. This gave the country the 5th-best ranking in the COED (with an COED average a t the time of 5. %). The low numbers correlated with a robust economy and a large backlog of Job positions at all levels. Unemployment numbers are not always directly comparable between COED nations, as they do not al keep labor market statistics in the same way. The percentage of the population employed also increased in recent years, to 68. 8% of all inhabitants, with full-time jobs increasing slightly, and part-time occupations decreasing in turn. The increase in the working population percentage is attributed to increasing wages and higher costs of living moving more people into employment.Smaller complex? Could be a build up of hotel or holiday park complexes that could determine an increase in the amount of people going to the holiday parks or hotels. The weather around these times? Income, employment, new age – parent's and kids not willing to do this anymore because new things such as technology is available and makes children grow up faster Families may have been clo ser back then than they are today economic conditions Minimum and maximum of trend line and talk about the difference = nature of the trend line Why it is increasing/decreasing at certain times on the graph? Changes in the world or new Zealand that may have made this extreme happen eye = scuffs how many Co's to put on the end to convert it to a real number 9/1 1 could eave has an impact on the traveling of the world population as they may be scared to travel as they don't want to be in risk of being killed. Also people over the world may have come over to NZ because of the events from 9/1 1 as they wanted to get away from all of the troubles in America.The introduction to television may also be a big factor as this would have made the population less likely to want to go outside as they are able to stay in and watch the world from the comforts of their home. New technology would have had a huge impact on tourism as people are getting lazier from these factors.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Funds Management and Portfolio Selection Assignment

Funds Management and Portfolio Selection - Assignment Example FMG has regression level of 2.1, which implies that an increase in the market returns by one percent will result to an increase in its overall returns by 2.1%. A positive regression between market and assets, according correlation and data theory, results to assets’ returns moving away those of the market. Consequently, higher regression levels imply greater impacts from the market. The performance of FMG can be associated to its huge weight in all ordinary market, since it is a company associated with mining, processing, as well as transportation of iron ore within the region of Pilbara, Western Australia. Being an iron ore exporting company all over the world, an improvement in the global economy is likely to result increases in the level of consumption, which will affect positively on the prices of FMG and index (Brailsford, Heaney & Chris, 2011). In addition, this effect is also likely to affect AXA in a similar manner, since it is also one of the companies with notable regression. AXA is the top most wealth management company in Australia and New Zealand with capital management as its integral objective. Its steady improvement is the overall performance in the Australian stock market can be closely associated with the company’s strong capital position. Comparing to other industries, mining industry is the biggest market in Australian, and it takes a huge shape in stock market. This is a reason behind FMG’s higher regress than other companies. Next, these companies set up to ten difference portfolios and the beta decrease with the portfolio extending (Sutton, 2009). When extra stock is added in each portfolio, the level of Beta reduces from 0.5 to 0.1. As a general measure of stock’s systematic risk, Beta is defined as the quantity of systematic risk present in a certain asset respective of the risky asset. A beta level below 1.0 show a stock with lower amount of systematic risk compared to the market, the reverse is true. The results

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Business Continuity Management - Risk Management Essay

Business Continuity Management - Risk Management - Essay Example There are generally two types of risks that businesses face, the first is the risk of natural calamities and the second is the entrepreneurial risk. Here we are going to discuss the second type of risk factors of Royal Bank of Scotland. The second risk is the risk associated with the business functions, operations and the strategic decisions of the management. The concept of enterprise risk management arises in this scenario. Enterprise risk management is the process that affects the board of directors and other top level management of the organisation (Sadgrove, 2005, p. 3). The enterprise risk management process includes identification of and management of the risks that arises within the organisation. Enterprise risk management has many significant benefits, but at the same time few limitations also exists. It is many depended on the judgment of the human resource (Casualty Actuarial Society, 2003). So this signifies that if the human resource that is the employees or the manageme nt commits errors, then that might affect the measures taken for risk measurement. Apart from this, clash of decisions or view points between two individuals might also result in overriding the decisions of the management (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission, 2004, p.5). The Business continuity management strategies is the core business function of any organisation for understanding the risk and also for designing the risk assessment measures. Business Continuity management helps the management to identify the difference between the problems and the risks. Crisis management and crisis communication are also involved in business continuity management because the risk faced by the organisations is generally for sudden crisis situations. Crisis is basically the unstable situations that may take place related to political, economical or social affair. So crisis management deals with management of risk of uncertainties. Business continuity policies or plans i nvolve the utilisation of resources to eliminate or transfer the risk that the organisations face during crisis situations (Blyth, 2009, Crisis Management). The process of risk management should be continuous and effective. It is the function of the business continuity management process to address the risk factors and understand the type of risks or crisis that the organisation is facing or about to face. This study would also deal with organisational crisis situations of Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS). It is one of the renowned banks in the world. RBS had a strong culture for risk management and controlling the activities for financial strength. The RBS was literally brought to its knees by the top level management of the organisation. The report of the Financial Services Authorities (FSA) stated that the crisis of the organisation was due to the deficiencies of the management and the organisational environment and culture of RBS before the crisis. The policies were liberal and they were not even revised for the betterment of the organisation (Barkho, 2011, p. 44). Crisis Management and Crisis Communication Crisis management and crisis communication are often used as interchangeable words in organisations, but there is little distinction between these two events. The crisis management basically deals with the reality part of any crisis that occurs in the organisation, while crisis communicat

Advanced Financial Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Advanced Financial Management - Essay Example Implementation in the efficiency in a market proves that it is unable for any investor to beat the market consistently by using a common investment strategy. â€Å"The efficient market hypothesis is associated with the idea of a â€Å"random walk,† which is a term loosely used in the finance literature to characterize a price series where all subsequent price changes represent random departures from previous prices.† 3 But even very rarely efficient markets carry a negative implication for the investment strategy. An efficient market does not imply that the stock price cannot move away from the true value. Some times in the efficient market the expected return from investment will be consistent with the risk factor. Errors in valuation creates problems in efficient market. An efficient market is described as â€Å"Informationally Efficient†, because the investors can get all the necessary information that reflects within the market like political, economical and social. â€Å"The paradox of efficient markets is that if every investor believed a market was efficient, then the market would not be efficient because no one would analyze securities.† 4 As per behavioral decision theory of Kehneman and Tversky investors decisions are subject to the change of optimism and pessimism. These behavioral changes are reflecting their investment decision. Some investors are over confident they are able to forecast future stock price. 5 Share prices are reflected all information about the market so the investors are able to expect their returns and they can easily take decision about their investments. Market may needs to exist where the investors are unable to earn excess return over a long period. In order to maintain the market in a steadily manner it is essential to undertake the legal barriers about the publication of privatized information. In a weak form of market the prevailing share prices are

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Fine and popular art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Fine and popular art - Essay Example Such processes, although perhaps considered the results of skilled craftsmanship and artisanship in both the academy and the popular mind, were not generally believed to lend themselves to the type of refined art-making that the serious artist pursued. By emphasizing the role that art plays in popular culture and vice-versa, however, the pop art movement attempted to bridge the gap between what had been for the last several hundred years a strict division between the fine arts and the popular arts. ... While both may deal with such topics as race, economics, poverty, gender, and the like through their approaches to meeting human needs and providing form that shapes human content, the fine arts have traditionally been considered to be driven by a special refined quality that is sensitive and sensible and that revolves around a particular kind of insight and training, while the popular arts have traditionally been viewed as meeting economic needs with skilled action. The difference, in other words, seems to be a psychological one as well as an economic one. Popular artists apply skills to developing products and goods that, while beautiful, are primarily functional. Fine artists develop products which are primarily communicative. Larry Shriner, in his book The Invention of Art, argues that it was only in the 18th Century that the fine arts split off from the popular arts. Until that time many of the artists that today are considered serious fine artists from the past were essentially considered to very highly skilled artisans in their own day, and their works were considered to be highly representative forms of skilled craftsmanship. In 18th Century Europe, however, a cultural elite began to make distinctions between craftsmanship and â€Å"art† in order to separate themselves from the masses in taste and practice. The effort was so successful that they began to define art backwards, and works of skilled artisanship that were, for example, found in the colonies conquered by this cultural elite came to be called â€Å"primative art† – as though such products were approaching fine art but had not yet arrived. Shriner’s argument suggests that the distinction between fine art and the popular arts is largely

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Experience as an engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Experience as an engineering - Essay Example Honestly, I am still stunned by the achievements of the school, the University of California, Irvine as it displays excellence and advancement in many aspects most especially in Science and Technology. It is true that I have undergone tough trainings in terms of solving problems of different levels of difficulties but this has trained me to become more aware of the more important role of theories in the real world, that is to provide solutions to the challenges that face humanity and the environment as well. I have learned that highly mathematical equations are not to be hated nor to be intimidated, instead, they need to be embraced through understanding them and consequently, learning them for greater purpose. I used to wonder why people had stay in the laboratory for so many hours and I used to ask myself why the need for painstakingly, learning various equations and theories from Engineering books, journals, and researches; it is then that I realized the relevance of these mathematical formulas and concepts their importance in establishing a good research that will certainly provide long term solutions to the many problems in the environment as well as help alleviate the pains of those suffering from particular medical challenges such as breast cancers and other related health problems whose solutions have been made possible by application of engineering concepts. Just like any ordinary student, I was also able to meet different types of personalities in the department such as strict professors who would give piles of home works that sometime seemed impossible to get done within the specified time frame and I also had the chance to become a student of Faryar Jabbari, the person who I value most as an inspiration due to his passion for his work which makes the difficult concepts become easy to understand and therefore, generated more positive responses apparently in the marks that we would get from his class. He was to me the opposite of the meaning of strictness and he taught Linear System in class. Despite the fact that I have experienced a lot of positive things during my stay in the Engineering Department, I also felt that my intellectual capacity is continuously challenged which is consistent to what people say about learning, that it never ends most especially here in this University whereby research is given importance as this is the reason why people do not stop studying and keep on achieving excellence which is also apparent in teaching methods of educators and the standard of education. Transparently, the University of California, Irvine offers a wide range of academic courses from Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Moreover, the University ventures into furthering the education to the next level in terms of complexity and relevance of the studies in Graduate Programs. Also, the school provides avenues for researches that are relevant to the various demands of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Innate immunity in tuberculosis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Innate immunity in tuberculosis - Essay Example of the body, and patients would just waste away with no effective intervention; however, to date, this infectious disease can be successfully treated with antibiotics (Schiffman, 2008). Brill et al., (2001) reported that tuberculosis remains to be the major health problem worldwide and because of the prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), tuberculosis becomes more significant in the years to come in regions where there is an endemic case of intracellular Mycobacterium tuberculosis pathogen (Brill et al., 2001). Todar (2008) stated that a human immune system is composed of two major subdivisions, namely: (1) Innate or non-specific immune system, and (2) adaptive or specific immune system. The primary or the first line of defence mechanism against invading organism is known as the innate or non – specific immune system (Todar, 2008). This contains cellular and humoral components by which the protective functions are carried out (Todar, 2008). Junqueira - Kipnis et al (2003) noted that with M. tuberculosis, the innate and adaptive immune systems contributes to the defense of the host. Van Crevel et al (2002) noted that the outcome of the infection depends greatly on the relationship between M. tuberculosis and the human host. Both the innate and adaptive defense mechanism is involved with respect to the host. Hence, mechanisms to circumvent and antagonise protective immunity have been developed by M. tuberculosis. The component of the innate immune response are formed by phagocytosis and subsequent IL -12 secretion that are initiated in the absence of prior antigen exposure (Raja, 2004). Natural resistance - associated macrophage protein, neutrophils, natural killer cells, and many others are considered as the component of innate immunity. Raja added that the first line of defense in the innate immunity of M. tuberculosis is played by the plasma lysozyme and other enzymes. Van Crevel et al (2002) noted that macrophages are â€Å"main effector cells†

Sunday, September 22, 2019

2014-2015 Mock trial Starter kit Essay Example for Free

2014-2015 Mock trial Starter kit Essay Would you please introduce yourself to the court room? Hello, my name is Jordanus Asterion (Hordanus Astrion) What do you do for a living, Mr. Asterion? I am an attorney How long have you been an attorney? Well I practiced for about 20 years, then I had a bit of a mishap but now I’m back to practicing, heck I got my biggest case ever just this year! This miss hap, what happened? It all started back in 2012, it was one drink then I was hooked, I was jobless, homeless, and recently divorced. I was living on the streets, in parking garages, or where ever I could. But, after the incident, I sobered up, got my law license reinstated, and got back together with my family. Are you referring to the death of cervus carona? Yes. Can you tell the jury what you saw? Well my dog woke me up and I saw the samurai group at the parking garage I was sleeping in. there were two people running up the stairs, I immeadtly recognized lang tigris, and the other person, I now know as cervus carona. They were arguing about something, I couldn’t tell what, but when they got (I can’t find what story) story cervus got physical, he pushed lang against the wall†¦. Well†¦ then it happened†¦ What are you referring to Mr. Asterion? See more: Defining research problem and setting objectives Essay Well the force of the push made both people bounce, and lang bounced and that gave cervrus a little more momentum†¦ then†¦ well cervus fell†¦ he fell out of the window. Did you observe anything after that? Yea, lang†¦ he was just calm†¦ and still†¦ it seemed like he was in shock.\ (I want to ask a opinion on the ultimate issue question, but I don’t know how to word it) This is just an issue of bad timing, cerverus push lang just a little to hard in the wrong place at the wrong time, and well now were here. Anything about criminal investigation on direct, object to 4.18.3 lack of proper predicate, 602 lack of personal knowledge, 703 opinions by experts You have a Bachelor’s of Science from Texoma University, don’t you? Yourdegree is in Accounting, isn’t it? You also have a Master’s degree from the Enron Hubbard Institute, don’t you? This degree is in Forensic Accounting, isn’t it?  Neither of your degrees make you eligible to work in Law Enforcement, do they? Neither of these degrees are law degrees, are they?  You have never worked as an on-staff employee of any law enforcement agency, have you? So you do not have formal expertise in criminal justice, do you? Nor do you have any educational background in criminal justice, do you? So you cannot render any expert opinions regarding the alleged criminal activities of my client other than those relating to the accounting of Argo Navis, Inc., can you? You know that both my client and Cervus Corona were attempting to sell the company, don’t you? You know that the company was worth somewhere between $2- and $200 million dollars, don’t you? (if brought up) and Lang could only receive a maximum of 2 million from life insurance You know that $75,000 dollars had been stolen from the accounts of Argo Navis, don’t you? This is the only questionable accounting you found in the Argo Navis accounts, isn’t it? And you have no conclusive evidence tying this singular piece of criminal activity to my client, do you? Beauty and the beast, price, cursed, ugly, villagers thought he was evil that was an act of prejudice May it please the court, your honor, opposing counsel, member of the jury. We all know the story of beauty and the beast, the beast was a handsome prince, who was cursed by a witch to become and evil looking monster. He was slandered, tormented and persecuted by the villagers all because of a prejudice they had towards him. Hello, my name is Nate K. I am a representing the state of texoma in today’s case. Today the prosecution holds the burden of proof, which means that if, you have a single doubt of guilt in your mind, then the defendants is innocent. Like in the beauty and the beast, the villagers, or in this case, the prosecutions witness, we presume, will attempt to slander the beast, Lang Tigris. Malus testudao will attempt to tell you he saw the altercation, but in reality he didn’t have vantage point where he could see it. Next, we presume that felis vela will  take the stand, she will tell you about how 75 thousand dollars was stolen for the company, but no one know who took it. She will also explain that the company was worth more than the money than Lang Tigris got from the life insurance. She will also give you opinions that no ability to give. Finally, limax Grus will take the stand, we believe that he will testify about the crime scene, which was not treated properly. He will also tell you about the witnesses he improperly interviewed and detained. And he will also explain that he left out an eye witness. Next we will call three witnesses. Jordanus Asterion will explain that he had a great view point of the entire altercation, and how Cervus corona began the fight, and how e fell as a result of ricochet. He explain that even though he was eyewitness, limax gruss did not interview him. Next Ares Vega will testify, he will explain to you that the Lima Grus did not control the crime scene, he also did not properly detain the witnesses, and furthermore he did not even question an eye witness. Finally, lang tigris will take the stand. He will explain that the business relationship was perfect, then Cervus began to bulk up, and he became aggressive, all lang did was try to please him, then the day of the altercation, Lang said something, he told cervrus he needed to calm down and become a team player. Cervrus said that lang was just riding his caot tails, and at that point, lang asked him about steroids, which put cerverus over the edge. He will explain that later that day they met, by chance, at the samurai class. Cervrus was aggressive and physical with him, then, it happened. Cerverus pushed lang and rebounded off the glass through the wall. Ladies and gentlemen, please don’t allow the villager to kill the beast, after he is inncocent.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Behaviour for Learning

Behaviour for Learning The need to manage behaviour has long been an issue within schools. With the push on raising attainment, the development of SEN provision and the increase in policy, to be inclusive of all learners irrespective of their academic level or their social behaviour, as identified that 20% of all SEN learners have SEBD. Current policy has adapted towards a positive approach focusing on the ability of teachers to create a positive learning environment developing positive relationships in order to promote a positive attitude towards learning, steering away from the once punitive approach and not being re-active to negative behaviour but more pro-active as supported by (EPPI) Behaviour management is often flagged as an area that ITE students feel they would benefit from having greater support in when entering the profession of teaching (Buell et al., 1999 cited in EPPI). This has been met by the expectations set by the TTA via the Qualifying to teach, the new standards and requirements for Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) (TTA,2002). B4L is a concept that has been developed through a review of effective behaviour management strategies. It has been identified that B4L is a result of multitude of influences and not merely the desire of a learner to misbehave and unwillingness to learn. It is important to identify the theoretical principles behind the way in which learners manifest themselves in terms of behaviour, as identified in the rationale for the EPPI systemic review of how theories explain learning behaviour in school context. Behaviour for learning (B4L) identifies the link between students social conduct and behaviour and the way in which they learn. The schools policy clearly states high expectations of students, We expect students to reflect this in their appearance, attitudes and behaviour. We know we are moulding the citizens of the future and will encourage them to care for one another, be open, fair, honest and just. We want them to have a sense of pride in being part of our school community. (School Aims, Staff handbook). Further to this the school s vision is to raise achievement by developing a culture where learning is at the heart of the school community. To achieve this vision the school identifies whole school priorities for 2010/2011 including improving behaviour and attendance. It also stated that the school will focus on incorporating SEAL practice in the classroom, which has been identified as an important key in developing learners emotional intelligence (Coleman, 1996) providing learners with the skill set to monitor and improve their behaviour independently. It was clearly identified in the School Development Plan that Behaviour for learning needed to be addressed (appendix 1). This was further reinforced as a high priority area during staff meetings and subsequent correspondence from the Head Teacher (Appendix 1a), which focused on current issues in lessons and the need to improve B4L. Two key issues that arose were the use of mobile phones within lessons and consistency of sanctions (Appendix 1a). It is interesting to note that these both encompass the teacher and the learner. It is concerning to note that use of mobile phones within lessons is being flagged as a B4L issue and not a sign of disengagement. Understandably there is a close link between the quality of learning, teaching and behaviour, and therefore raises the question can behaviour be improved through improving the quality of learning teaching? The school clearly identifies that there is a need to reinforce their school policies on behaviour for learning. Through initial observation it was interesting to note the level of behavioural issues occurring both in and out of lessons. It poses the question is this a school being pro-active in managing behaviour for learning or re-active to behaviour that had not been managed consistently? This study will focus on the schools current policy on behaviour for learning and how this is implemented on a daily basis. Through a review of the schools current policy and issues this study will hope to suggest future recommendations to improve behaviour for learning. Recent national policy has moved away from a punitive system where students were punished for doing something wrong reactive and are now working towards understanding what causes learners to be off task and display undesirable behaviour pro-active. With the recent development of special educational needs identification and provision it is no longer acceptable to respond in a punitive way. National policy now promotes the inclusion of a greater diversity of learners in schools irrespective of level of achievement or social behaviour (Department for Education Employment (DfEE), 1999). It is important for schools to recognise this and develop strategies to promote B4L as over 20% of SEN provision are learners with social emotional and behavioural disorder (SEBD) (Department for Children, Schools Families, 2008). SEBD learners by nature can display undesirable behaviour unless managed in a positive way, and would it not be deemed unacceptable from an education professionals view for a learner predisposed to display poor behaviour as the result of a recognised disorder, to fall victim to punitive actions. It is therefore important for schools to have a well-structured B4L policy that coincides with the SEN policy. Communication between the SEN department and the rest of the school is also essential. (back up with research) too many lessons lack challenge and do not take sufficient account of students individual capabilities or encourage independent learning. Also, quality of marking and feedback generally varies considerably across the school. However, a small minority of parents expressed views that the schools communication with parents could be better, and also that students behaviour was not always as good as it should be. Inspectors found behaviour to be satisfactory overall, but variable. In general, students have a high regard for their school, enjoy their education and appreciate the variety of opportunities on offer to them, both within the curriculum and beyond. They are developing a good range of personal skills that are preparing them well for their education and employment after school. Ensure that lesson activities consistently challenge students of all ability groups to make better progress and develop their independent learning skills, especially at Key Stage 4. Behaviour in lessons is satisfactory, although someinstances of pupils being too boisterous were seen during the inspection. However, there is generally not enough really challenging teaching across the school to ensure that students make consistently good progress in their learning and therefore develop the confidence and ability to work independently. Where teaching is less effective, planning does not take sufficient account of students different capabilities and starting points, and is too teacher-directed. Teachers do provide some clear, detailed and useful written feedback, but this is inconsistent across the school and does not always give specific advice about what students need to do to improve their work a problem which persists since the last inspection.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Infant Vs Believers Baptism Theology Religion Essay

Infant Vs Believers Baptism Theology Religion Essay The Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible argues that baptism is a rite using water as a symbol of religious purification. The origin of Christian baptism is to be found within Judaism, and it is improbable to suggest the derivation of the Christian rite from the mystery cults. At first term baptism meant the provision of cultic purity, and then in the NT it was extended to express the complete renewal of human existence. The rite of baptism with water as a symbol of entry into the Christian community was practiced from the day of Pentecost. The Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible links baptism with repentance and with the reception of the Holy Spirit. The fullest NT exposition of the meaning of baptism is to be found in the Pauline letters. Paul teaches that baptism is the means of incorporation into the Christian community, which is the body of Christ; through baptism the Spirit is received, and the barriers that divide men, whether of race or of class, are thus overcome (1 Cor. 12 :12-13). At the same time, John administered a repentance-baptism for the forgiveness of sins (Mk. 1:4) in anticipation of the baptism of Spirit and the fire that the Messiah would exercise (The Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible, 1962). Christian baptism is rooted in the redemptive action of Jesus. The command to baptize falls of necessity in the resurrection era, when redemption has been achieved, universal authority accorded to the risen Lord, and the mission of the church to the world begun (The Dictionary of New Testament Theology, 1989). Baptism seems to have accompanied the proclamation of the gospel from the beginning of the churchs mission. According to the Dictionary of New Testament Theology baptism is administered in the name of Jesus Christ; it is for the forgiveness of sins and with a view to the gift of the Holy Spirit. Personally for me, baptism is a very intimate topic. I was baptized, when I was an infant. Actually, everybody in my family was baptized in the early childhood. My mother is a proponent of infant baptizing, as she supposes that children should be taught about Christian living from the time they are born and during their entire life. Her argument is that we are all Gods children and there is no need to wait to become a real Christian. Parents should foster love for God and Bible in children in order to be thankful to God for His tremendous grace, generosity and love He has for us. I also see baptizing as the sign of love and repentance. Moreover, Im thankful to my parents for their decision to baptize me as an infant, as I lived my entire life with the Christian living in my mind. We need to understand the doctrine of baptism in order to live a faithful Christian life. Moreover, the understanding of the doctrine of Baptism is needed as it has a great influence in the church today. When people are baptized, they identify themselves with Christs death, burial and resurrection (Stringer, M. D., 2005). The proof for such an assumption can be seen in Romans 6:3-4: Or dont you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. So, baptism is an important rite, which signifies our new life in Jesus Christ. Moreover, we should understand infant baptizing, as this concept suggests being a Christian from the time of birth till death. Infant baptizing is the best view on the doctrine of baptism, as it provides the opportunity of faithful living in Jesus Christ from the early childhood. Infant baptism should be undertaken in order to foster love for God, faith, repentance and living by Ten Commandments in children since early childhood. There are two main views on the time, when the person should be baptized: credobaptism and paedobaptism. According to Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry, credobaptism is the practice of baptizing only those who are able to make a profession of faith. Credobaptism is also called Believers baptism. Credobaptists are the proponents of the baptism by immersion. Believers baptism view in based on the assumption that baptism should be given: 1) to all those who have learned repentance and amendment of life; 2) who believe truly that their sins are taken away by Christ; 3) to all those who walk in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and wish to be buried with him in death, so that they may be resurrected with him; 4) to all those who with this significance request baptism of us and demand it for themselves (Baptist Roots: a Reader in the Theology of a Christian People, 1999.). Moreover, the proponents of believers baptism argue that there is no direct evidence in the NT for the bapti sm of infants. Moreover, during the time of the NT only adults were baptized, when they showed their faith and repentance. Moreover, the proponents of believers baptizing argue that linguistically the word baptism means immersion and indirectly implies that baptism is not for infants. Another argument in favor of believers baptism is that whenever baptisms are recorded, the text always specifies that the baptized come up out of the water, again demonstrating baptism by immersion (Wright, D. F. et all, 2009). Moreover, in Romans 6:3-4 and Colossians 2:12 baptism pictures the believers death to the old life and regeneration and conversion to newness of life. The proponents of believers baptizing argue that being plunged under the water and raised up from the water symbolizes the spiritual reality, a reality that is only possible for believers who are trusting in Christ and indwelt by the Spirit. According to Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry, paedobaptism is the practice of baptizing infants. The first explicit reference to infant baptism in Christian history is that made by Irenaeus, about A.D. 180, who speaks of all who through Christ are born again to God, infants and children and boys and youths and old men, born again to God being a technical phrase meaning baptism (Dictionary of New Testament Theology, 1989). The belief that the apostles commanded the baptism of infants as well as of responsible persons is attested as early as Origen (3rd century A.D.), and apart from some notable exceptions it became the unquestioned conviction of Christendom until the present century. The proponents of the paedobaptism argue that despite the lack of direct evidence of the infant baptism in the NT, the indirect evidence of infant baptism can be read in various lines of the NT. The proponents of infant baptism argue that baptism in the NT is closely related to the circumcisio n in the OT. J. Jeremias has argued that Paul may have been instrumental in thus putting forward baptism as the Christian equivalent of Jewish circumcision (Colossians 2:11-12). Moreover, the argument for infant baptism states that the NT has a lot of evidence for household baptism and according to the evidence found in Stauffer, in the contemporary use of the word household young children were specifically included (Wright, D. F. et all, 2009). I am the proponent of infant baptizing, as I see this type of baptizing more reasonable within the Christian theology. I suppose that people should be baptized as infants, so that they can become Christians, be taught about faith, love and repentance, and in order to give them an opportunity to live a consistent Christian life. The most influential argument for infant baptism is the relationship between the circumcision in the OT and the baptism in the NT. In order to understand, how these sacraments relate, we should conduct a deep analysis. The Scripture teaches that baptism signifies the forgiveness and purification from sins, and spiritual resurrection. The Scripture also says that we are baptized in Jesus Christ. Moreover, baptism is seal with which we witness that the Lord is our God and that we are His people. The OT says that the Lord wants to be Abrahams God and God of his descendant by giving the covenant of circumcision. Moreover, the Lord says that He wants to see Abraham to be in wholeness and immaculacy. Here we can see that death and resurrection are implied in circumcision. So, the circumcision is the same as baptism, as they both include the promise of the forgiveness of sins and the resurrection after the death. Jesus Christ is the basis for both circumcision and baptism, as He represents the fulfillment of the Promise. Now the conclusion can be made that everything what belongs to circumcision, belongs to baptism as well (except the visual rite). The Lord demands the circumcision of the infants in Genesis 17:12: For the generations to come every male among you who is eight days old must be circumcised, including those born in your household or bought with money from a foreigner-those who are not your offspring. So, thanks to the established relationship between circumcision and baptism it is reasonable to suggest, that the circumcision of the infants relate to infant baptism. Another argument for infant baptism can be derived from Luke 18:15-16, where Jesus states: let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. If Jesus allows infants to come to Him, in such a way he allows infant baptism as this is the sign of our communication and connection with Jesus Christ. The opponents of infant baptism argue that Jesus Christ invited grown up children but mistakenly called them infants, as He asked them to come to Him. However, this argument is disproved, as the Scripture refers infants to the children, who should be carried in the arms. So, in these verse we should understand the verb to come in the meaning of the verb to approach. Another argument against infant baptism is that Luke 18:15-16 says that the kingdom of God belongs to such as these (infants) but not to these (infants). However, this argument is easily and logically disproven, as Jesuss reason for allowing infants to approach Him is that t he kingdom of God belongs to them. This verse should be interpreted as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ for the kingdom of God belongs to these and such as these. The passage of Luke 18:15-17 is crucial to the understanding of infant baptism. Luke 18:15 : People were also bringing babies to Jesus for him to place his hands on them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. According to Clarkes Commentary, it was a common custom among the Jews to lay their hands on the heads of those whom they blessed, or for whom they prayed. This seems to have been done by way of dedication or consecration to God the person being considered as the sacred property of God even after. Often God added a testimony of his approbation, by communicating some extraordinary influence on the Holy Spirit. This rite has been long practiced among Christians, when persons are appointed to any sacred office. However, the consecration of children to God has grown out of use. The second part of the verse can be interpreted from the view that the disciples rebuked the parents, as they considered infants too young to receive good. Luke 18:16-17: But Jesus called the child ren to him and said, Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it. This verse shows that Christ loves infants simplicity and innocence. According to Clarkes Commentary, Jesus has sanctified infants very age by passing through it himself the holy Jesus was once a little child. Moreover, Jesuss emphasis on the big part of the kingdom of God composed of such should be taken literally; and only those who resemble little children should be received into it. According to Commentary on the Whole Bible, in these two verses our Lord meant to inform us, that seeing grown people must become childlike in order to be capable of the Kingdom of God, therefore they should not hinder infants from coming to Him, and therefore He took up and blessed the infants themselves. All in all Jesus words about little children provide an example of the attitude essential for receiving Gods grace. Childlike qualities such as trust, openness, and the absence of holier-than-thou attitudes are presented in this view. This shows that Jesus had compassion even on infants too young to understand the difference between right and wrong (The Expositors Bible Commentary, 1984). This passage indirectly bears on question of infant baptism. The major argument of the opponents of infant baptism is the fact that people should be baptized after conscious understanding of the responsibility they take. Moreover, they argue that people should be baptized after they acknowledge their faith. However, the opponents of infant baptism argue that leaving an infant until the time, when he/she will acknowledge his/her faith, means leaving the infants to be the children of Adam for a period of time. We experience death in Adam, because of the original sin. However, Jesus allows infants to approach Him, which means He wants to establish connection with them in order to revive them (Luke 18:15-16). Infant baptizing is the best view on the doctrine of baptism, as it provides the opportunity of faithful living in Jesus Christ from the early childhood. The NT indirectly supports infant baptism. As baptism is the same as circumcision (except the visual rite), then infant baptism is allowed and appreciated by God (Colossians 2:11-12; Acts 16:33). Moreover, Luke 18:15-16 proves that Jesus Christ allowed infant baptism, by calling the infants to approach Him. The baptism of household, which is mentioned all over the NT, implicitly means infant baptizing, as in the contemporary use of the word household young children were specifically included. The doctrine of infant baptism perfectly fits in other related doctrines: the doctrine of circumcision, the doctrine of faith, the doctrine of repentance, the doctrine of forgiveness and the doctrine of resurrection. It doesnt really contradict with any of these doctrines. The doctrine of circumcision is very similar to the doctrine of infant baptism, as the basis for them is Jesus Christ, who is seen as the fulfillment of the Promise. The doctrine of faith, repentance, forgiveness and resurrection perfectly fits in the definition of infant baptism: infants are baptized to be forgiven for sins, purified and be spiritually resurrected. Moreover, infant baptism encourages Christian living full of faith and repentance. The significance of the doctrine of infant baptism is the removal of the original sin from the infants. In such a way children may possess the relationship with Christ since early childhood. Infant baptizing can make a difference for Christian life in a way it allows the children to be under Christs influence and care since birth. Children are purified and become new born Christians, who need to be taught about love for God, faith, repentance and living by Ten Commandments. These doctrines are best understood and learned, when taught since childhood. I suppose that infant baptism can bring more true believers to the church.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Analysis of The Unknown Citizen by W.H. Auden Essay -- The Unknown Cit

Analysis of The Unknown Citizen by W.H. Auden â€Å"The Unknown Citizen†, written by W.H. Auden during 1940, is a poem where the speaker, a representative of the state or government, directs a speech to the audience about a monument being erected for a citizen. Written in free verse, although using many couplets, this poem is a poem that describes the life of a certain person through his records and documents. This citizen is portrayed as a normal and average human being who is being honoured for being normal. Auden, however, uses the fact that the state is honouring someone for being normal to criticise his society. By emphasizing certain grammatical conventions and the structure the author explains the true meaning of this poem, and the unidentified citizen. â€Å"The Unknown Citizen† is a poem that directs an epitaph to a common man in the country. In honour of the monument for the citizen, a speech is given as a tribute to his doings. This man is depicted as a man who obeyed the law and never did anything incorrect, and he was known for taking part in many government handled activities. He served his duty in War, worked in Fudge Motors Inc., had a Health-card, and never caused any sort of rebellion towards the state. This citizen had an overall average life, where he was married and had five children. Auden is writing about the state erecting a monument in honour of this citizen’s doings as a great citizen in the community whom represented many other people in the country. This poem might seem to be very direct and clear; however, the author does not literally mean what he wrote. The title, â€Å"The Unknown Citizen†, is a reference to countries that erect a monument for the â€Å"Unknown Soldier†; this is an honou... ...aditionally sound according to the government, and since the Union is â€Å"sound† it is not really a Union. The sense of this poem depends greatly upon the tone, because literally the poem has a completely different connotation than it does if u considers the tone. The poet has a critical attitude towards this subject and it is clearly demonstrates once the reader analysis the poem. W. H. Auden is a poet who portrays his emotions and feelings through his poetry, and in this certain poem, â€Å"The Unknown Citizen†, Auden criticises the state. He uses allusions and capitalization to make the reader understand the actual meaning of the poem and by adding the final couplet in the poem, Auden reaches tries to get the reader to think. Auden leaves the reader hanging and makes them think; is our society and government really totalitarian? Or is this how our government will be?

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

How To Get To School Without Saying The F Word :: essays research papers

Ingredients: Yourself and the city of New York Please! Don’t scream too loud at the sunlight piercing your protesting eyes, torn from the throes of a trip in Rome. Monotonously say, â€Å"Yes Mom,† to the screaming she-devil dragging you out of bed. Place your feet on the cold floor and yelp. Scramble for your floppies; make sure they’re under the bed. No other place will do. You will now be forced to grope underneath the bed for this necessary accessory. Make sure your hand encounters something cold and slimy that you can’t identify. But please! DON’T SAY THE F WORD. Remember, Mom is watching. Remove your hand, wipe on tissue and slowly make your way to the bathroom. Make sure it is occupied; hopefully by your brother but if he is not available, your sister will do. If it is your father, go back to your room and wait for either sibling. Once your brother or sister is in the bathroom, bang on the door at least twice. Repeat if desired. Have them stay inside for another five minutes, pace the hallway in impatience and wish to be an only child. You may also wish to die but this is quite drastic and not necessary. Once the occupant leaves the bathroom, glare at them angrily and then stalk inside. Jump into the shower, turn the wrong knob so that cold water pours over your face. But please! DON’T SAY THE F WORD. Someone might be standing right outside. Make sure your shower is just long enough so that you have to skip breakfast. Emerge from your shower, don a towel and stare at yourself in the mirror. Complain about your looks, wallow in self-pity and begin to cry hysterically. Stop crying. Stare at yourself in the mirror, analyze your face. Say, â€Å"It could be worse.† Blame the media for your insecurities, and give yourself a pep talk. Try to brush your teeth without incident. Whistle a little, be happy. Don’t trip on the way out the bathroom. Tip-toe on the cold, hard floor to your room where your little sister lies in ambush in the corner . She will dart out screaming and scare you to death, them run shrieking down the hallway. Please! DON’T SAY THE F WORD! Her young, impressionable mind does not need the profanity. Quickly grab the first T-shirt and jeans you find in the Everest of piles that is your clothing.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Informal Writing Essay

I’ve always enjoyed writing. Since childhood I am fond of reading and writing based on the things I love to read. When I heard a child saying something about the solar system, I started writing imaginary things about outer space. It was a matter of jotting down what interests me at that moment. I also love writing about my daily experiences and keeping a diary made writing more enjoyable for me and made it a big part of my life. In school, students were also encouraged to write creatively and analytically. During literature class I love composing stories about different topics but I started despising writing essays that meant to answer specific questions. I don’t really like technical and objective writing. What I enjoy best is creative and subjective writing because I really want to pour out my own opinion and let my mind soar for new ideas. It is a way of escaping reality and sometimes even reflecting about it. Writing is a very important means of communication. Even though we are at an advanced technological age, writing is still an effective way of letting another person know what you feel and what you intend to say. For example, many people find it easier and enjoyable to communicate with others through the internet and email. The digital way of writing still needs the person’s proper writing knowledge or skills in order to properly send out his message to another person. In my own experience, writing emails, blogs and other messages are enjoyable and at the same time provide an easier means of communicating with other people especially those from far places. I also enjoy writing poems and short stories when I have free time. In this course, I am hoping that I learn more about writing as an every day activity and probably gain more experiences about writing. I think that I need to improve more on the technical part of writing. I am sure that I can get into this course more because of its subjective nature which I think is one of my strengths in writing.

Monday, September 16, 2019

How to Survive the 1st Week of College

How can you survive the first week of college Do you ever find yourself anxious, nervous, and afraid of the first week of college? Well, you shouldn’t be. College is the best time you will have during your life time and shouldn’t be wasted especially the first week which is the most energetic time. To survive the first week of you college, all you need to do is have proper hygiene, quickly accommodate yourself with new friends, including peers and teachers, and lastly you should adapt yourself to your new environment. Do you like people that come to school with morning breathe, sweat, and look as if they’ve been up for five days straight?A clean person is a healthy person. Without good hygiene you will have a bad first impression. It is important for a student to take care of themselves by properly taking a refreshing bath, so that all the sweat accumulated over night can be washed away and you could feel refreshed and rejuvenated. It is also a good practice to c ome to college with your teeth brushed and your breath smelling fresh and new just like your body after a shower. This will let your peers know that you are properly cleansed and are ready to presume with the educational process.They will also like to be around you for your fresh and new smell. You should not only have proper hygiene but you should also accommodate yourself with new and reliable friends. You should not only make friends with your peers but also with teachers. This will help you to socialize and widen the amount of friends you currently have. Moreover, they will get you out of harsh and intense situations such as a quarrel or argument. Befriending teachers is very useful because they could help you to understand the work better and give you easy learning methods.College provides stress daily; therefore, could bring down your mental focus and also bring down your grades which will then affect your GPA. However, with good companions this will not happen because they wi ll brighten up your day and take away your stress. Your new friends, including peers and teachers will then be your new family during college hours. You guys will be looking out and taking care for one another. Basically, you should always make new friends during your first week of college because in the longer run you will need their help for support and encouragement.Secondly, not only should you have and show good hygiene and make new friends but you should also adapt with your new surroundings. You should learn and adapt to your surroundings as soon as possible so that you can become familiar and comfortable in your new environment. This will help you to easily maneuver your way through the structure of your college. Furthermore, knowing your surroundings is essential so you can prevent getting going astray and having to ask directions. Knowing your surrounding is a good way not to get into trouble, you do not want to find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time.In short, the first week of college can be easily survived by have proper hygiene, finding and accommodate yourself with new friends, and lastly adapting yourself with your new environment. You do not want to show a bad first impression, you do need the help of new friends which include classmates and teachers, and you surely have to learn and intertwined yourself with your new surroundings so that it becomes a part of you. These steps will greatly impact your first week in college and make it more comfortable for you to overcome your anxious, nervous and scared feeling.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Communication Process

Hypothesis The following hypothesis is used as a logical approach for completion of the essay. A hypothesis is used in order to identify all the key elements of the essay in a logical and a systematic order. The hypothesis is as follows; â€Å"Is effective communication more about identifying and overcoming barriers to communication? What is the nature of effective communication? † Based on the above hypothesis, I have listed the following key elements. 1. Communication 1. Communication process 2. Types of communication 3. Importance of communication 2.How communication can influence an organization? 3. Effective & ineffective communication 1. What is effective communication? 2. Importance of effective communication 3. What is ineffective communication? 4. How both effective and ineffective communication affects an organization? 4. Identifying & overcoming communication barriers 1. Barriers to effective communication 2. How to overcome barriers to communication? 1. Introductio n â€Å"Communication is the use of verbal and non-verbal communication between people trying to create shared meaning. † (Yoder, Hugenberg & Wallace 1996)Throughout the history of mankind, their uniqueness in communication has become the key element in their success to become the most developed and well organized living beings among thousands of others. It is no different when comes to the corporate world, better the communication process that an organization posses, better the performances they achieve in today’s competitive world. So it has become vital for an organization to keep its communication process as effectively as possible in order achieve its organizational goals in a both effective and efficient manner.So the following essay was prepared with the intention of giving the readers a better understanding and a clear view of what is effective communication and what makes the communication a process an effective one. 2. 0 What is communication? Communication i s where two or more people will transfer information, feelings, ideas and opinions between or among each others. 2. 1 The communication process This is the standard model of a communication process. This process always takes place between two parties.Sender – The starting point of the communication process, sender will encode the message Message – The information which is sent to the receiver. Channel – Is the medium which transfers the message from the sender to the receiver. Barriers – Barriers are the distortions which make the message not to be conveyed as intended. Receiver – The person who’s at the end of the process and who’ll decode the message Feedback – It will be the final step of the communication process where receiver sends a message as reply to the sender. 2.Types of communication Different forms of communication media like televisions, radios are used by people in order to communicate information,opinions, etc, among each others. The most primitive ways of communication are by body language,speaking,sign language and eye contact. All of those communication methods can be broadly divided in to two main types. Those two types of communication are as follows. †¢ Verbal communication †¢ Non verbal communication 1. Verbal communication Verbal communication includes sounds, words, language and speaking.When it comes to business,  verbal communication  is very important for the reason being that you are dealing with a variety of people through out the day. In some cases you may deal with people who have different culture, ages and with different levels of experience. Fluent verbal communication is essential to deal with people in business meetings. Business communication  self-confidence  plays a vital role which when matched with fluent  communication skills. 2. Non verbal communicationNon-verbal communication  involves physical ways of communication, like, tone of the voic e, touch, smell and body motion. Symbols and sign language are also included in non-verbal communication. Body language is a non-verbal way of communication. Body posture and physical contact convey a lot of information. Body posture matters a lot when you are communicating verbally to someone. Folded arms and crossed legs are some of the signals conveyed by a body posture. Physical contact, like, shaking hands, pushing, patting and touching expresses the feeling of intimacy.Facial expressions, gestures and eye contact are all different ways of communication. 3. Importance of communication Every action a person or an organization takes is mostly based on the information available; to perform that specific action as intended, relevant information will be required. Even after performing the act, the party which performed it will need a feedback to identify whether the performed act bore the intended results. So it is clear that, without communication, none of those would be possible. 3. 0 Involvement of communication in an organization.For an organization to run smoothly, it has to have a well structured communication process inside its own. According to Kondrat (2009), Communication is the â€Å"lifeblood† of every organization. A vital means of attending to company concerns is through effective internal communication. Decision making is the most vital activity in an organization, to make decisions, to implement them and to reassess those decisions, organizational management will require relevant information. As discussed previously to have better information, better communication among all layers is required.So it is evident that, better the communication inside the organization, better the decision it makes and also better the results. 3. 1 Formal communication channels Formal channels are used within an organization in order to make the flow of information smoother among all levels in the chain of command. In the general aspect, there are three main c ommunication flows within an organization. Those are downward, upward and horizontal communication. 3. 1. 1 Downward communication It is the communication flow which is used by managers in an organization mainly to give orders and instructions.In a downward communication, the information flow will be from top to bottom, where managers will send messages to their subordinates. Those messages will include implementation of managerial decisions such as goals, plans and strategies, job instructions, rationale, procedures, practices, performance feedbacks, etc. 3. 1. 2 Upward communication Under this channel, information flow will be from the lower levels to the higher levels. Upward communication is more popular in learning organizations, where the lower levels of employees do get involved in the decision making process by giving their suggestions.Upward communication can be helpful in problem solving as the parties who are actually involved in the problem can give their point of view t o the higher management. 3. 1. 3 Horizontal communication In horizontal communication, parties which are in the same level will communicate with each others. (e. g. inter departmental) This can be helpful to coordinate activities and request support. 3. 2 Informal communication channel These are the communication channels which are not authorized as formal communication channels and it doesn’t have a clear pattern of the hierarchical levels included.Literally an informal communication channel is a channel which can connect anyone in the organization. Examples for informal communication channels †¢ Management by walking around (MBWA) †¢ Grapevine 4. 0 Effective and Ineffective communication As the topic of this essay relates, achieving effective communication is vital. So before discussing about methods of achieving effective communication, it is more sensible to discuss what is meant by effective communication and what is meant by ineffective communication. 4. 1 Wha t is effective communication?The communication process can be recognized as an effective one, when the receiver decodes and understand the message as intended by the sender. Furthermore, a proper feedback from the receiver to the sender will also facilitate effective communication. 4. 2 Importance of effective communication Effective communication skills is most likely to prevent conflicts and solve current conflicts it is learnt that through effective means of communication people can negotiate and arrive at possible solutions. The benefits of effective communication are many as they enhance all aspects of personal and professional lives. . 3 What is ineffective communication? This is a process by which the meaning the receiver attaches to a message may be completely different to the message intended by the sender. So it is evident that the basic concept of communication, which is sharing ideas and information among each other will be broken down if ineffective communication takes place. 4. 4 Importance of effective communication to an organization According to Panse (2009), Most companies and organizations have people working in small teams.This has been found to be more effective and productive than a single individual toiling away at a project. When you have three or four more people working on an issue, you have the advantage of having access to more ideas and solutions for the project, of having more checking safeguards against any flaws in the plan, and of being able to establish more network connections. A group is also more likely to take on and complete large-scale, complex projects. For the team to operate smoothly there must be open and efficient communication between the members of the teamTeam communication is important for the following reasons – †¢ Project-related information needs to be shared. †¢ Each member of the team needs to be acquainted with the team goal and his/her role in the team. †¢ Effective and open communic ation lines create feelings of trust and of belonging to the team. The more the members feel valued the more dedicated they are likely to be, and this in turn makes it easier for the team as a whole to achieve its goals. 4. 5 Affects of ineffective communication on an organization Ineffective communication hampers organizational success.This can also be seen as miscommunication. In an organization ineffective communication can occur due to many reasons. So it is important as a manager to curb these issues and create an effective communication channel. Ineffective communication leads to conflict within the organization and lead to distortion of information and this misunderstanding between department and individuals. Lack of effective communication may lead to a breakdown in interactions between employees in the organization. 5. Identifying and overcoming communication barriers.As discussed under the communication process, communication barriers are universal for any type of communic ation. In the perspective of an organization, barriers to communication can be divided into two main categories as individual barriers and organizational barriers. 5. 1 Individual barriers – Individual barriers are fatigue, poor listening skills, attitude toward the sender or the information, lack of interest in the message, fear, mistrust, past experiences, negative attitude, problems at home, lack of common experiences, and emotions. . 2 Organizational barriers – One of the major organizational barriers is the high power distance between low and high level employees. Due to this subordinates will not share sensitive information with their superiors as a result of the fear of facing negative reactions from the top management towards them. Poorly structured organizational channels will also active as an organizational barrier towards communication. 5. 3 Methods of overcoming barriers †¢ Using constructive feedback Training employees to involve active listening whe n they communicate †¢ Training employees to constraint their emotions †¢ Eliminating differences in perception †¢ Proper communication channel selection By using some or all of the methods mentioned above, an organization can reduce the impact done by communication barriers. 6. Conclusion In conclusion under the current situation, effective communication has universally become mandatory in order to achieve success. According to Kondrat (2009), Communication is the â€Å"lifeblood† of every organization.A vital means of attending to company concerns is through effective internal communication. If a manager is able to communicate their ideas clearly, so that employees definitely know what is asked of them, the subordinates will, consequently, perform their jobs correspondingly. On contrast, an aggressive way of managing reports results in employees’ getting more and more frustrated often guessing what their real faults are To achieve effective communicatio n, one must have a clear understanding about the communication process and how it functions.On the other hand, having a thorough understanding about the communication process will not help to build up effective communication. So it is wiser to find out what factors make communication effective. As discussed above, what make a communication process ineffective are the communication barriers. When those barriers are in place, they can disrupt the communication process in a huge manner. Those barriers will make, encoding and decoding the message hard. If it happens, the message will not be sent and received as intended.So then the whole communication process will become ineffective, as the sole reason for the process’ existence relies on conveying the intended message properly. This proves that identifying and overcoming communication barriers are important to have effective communication. Understanding the communication process will definitely help to make communication effecti ve, but it will not eradicate the main obstacles for effective communication, which are the communication barriers.So it is now very clear that identifying and overcoming the communication barriers are far more important for effective communication than understanding the communication process. 7. References Communication Skills-Start Here, (1995). Retrieved on April 30, 2010 from http://www. mindtools. com/CommSkll/CommunicationIntro. html Management Skills Resources, (2009). Retrieved on May 1, 2010 from http://www. bizmove. com/skills/m8g. htm Maya Pillai, (n. d). Barriers to effective Communication, Retrieved on May 1, 2010 from http://www. buzzle. om/articles/barriers-to-effective-communication. html Mortensen (1998) Communication Models, Retrieved on May 1, 2010 from http://www. shkaminski. com/Classes/Handouts/Communication%20Models. htm Overcoming Communication Barriers, (n. d) , Retrieved on May 1, 2010 from http://managementstudyguide. com/overcoming-communication-barriers. htm Sonal Panse, (2009). Effective team communication. Retrieved on May 1, 2010, from http://www. buzzle. com/articles/small-group-communication-effective-team-communication. html ———————– Feedback Barriers Receiver Message Sender